Minor in Possession

If you have been charged with minor in possession, possession of alcohol under the age of 21, message me to find out how I can help you.

Public Intoxication

Contact now to find out about your options after being charged with public intoxication. It can be handled expediently so that you can move forward with your life.

Driving Under the Influence (DUI)

DUI/DWI charges can have a significant impact on your life. Several options are available. It is important to have the correct defense. If you have been charged with DUI/DWI, please contact me to discuss your options.

Drug Offense

Charged with a drug offense such as drug possession, usage, distribution, etc.? Contact now to see your avaliable options.

Business Litigation

In a legal dispute with a business or company? Either way, contact me now through our contact page to find about your options in dealing with businesses on various legal matters.

Leaking Underground Storage Tanks

I have represented numerous individuals that own property that has been contaminated by the release of gasoline from a service station near their property. Some of the contaminants are known carcinogens that are a threat to human health and the environment. If you own property you think that has been contaminated by a nearby service station, please feel free to contact me to discuss your options.

Personal Injury

Personal injury includes car & truck accidents, slip and fall, medical malpractice, emotional trauma, and more. Contact now to learn more.

Dangerous Drugs

Certain drugs have been determined to be liable for serious injuries. If you have taken drugs such as Actos, Byetta, Crestor, Xarlelto, Lipitor, Testerone and have been injured, please contact me to discuss your options.


The court in certain criminal matters can order that all records concerning your arrest and the case against you be expunged or removed from the records of the court. If you would like to discuss the possibility of having a charge against you expunged, please contact me to discuss your options.